
In order to place an order with us, you have a few options:

  • Order online: Log in or create an account on our website and start browsing our product range. You can add the products to your basket and you also have the option to compare products before purchasing.
  • Order over the phone: If you'd prefer to speak to a member of our team, you can give us a call on 01427 239143.
  • Order via email: We also accept orders via email at

No, we do not ship overseas currently.

In order to set up a credit account with us, you'll need to create an account on our website or with a member of our team and request our credit account form. You'll need to fill this out and return it at your earliest convenience. This should be ready to use within 2 days, subject to credit approval.


Yes. Goods may be returned within 30 days of purchase - as long as they are standard stock and in the same condition of purchase. For more information on this, please contact our customer service team on 01427 239143, they can advise you on the process and any restocking or collection fees that may apply.

If you can't find the products you need, you can give our team a call on 01427 239143 or email us at, and we will be happy to help find what you're after. You can also try searching for what you need using the search bar on our website.

Yes! We have an extensive range of datasheets allocated to most of our products on our website, or available at request should you need it. If you can't find what you need or require further information, either call us or drop us an email and we can get that sent over to you.

If a product you need is currently out of stock, you'll be able to back order it from our website or through a member of our team via phone or email. Lead times will be dependent on the individual items, we will be able to advise when the placing your order.

Customer support

01427 239143

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